Hello readers,
Just two days ago, I received my GCE 'N' Level result slip. I got a raw score of 11 points which allows me to have all the options available including being able to try out for Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP). A raw score of 11 points is risky for me, imagined for example if my grade for combined humanities was 4 instead of 3. I could be ruining this biggest opportunity which any N Level students always wished to get. Even a two co-curricular activity (CCA) points can't helped much.
I spent the actual result day being worked out since there is a probability that I may not be able to get what I want for PFP. Who knows, someone better comes along and take up the spot of the desired course I want. I know I wanted to go for PFP, but I needed a backup: either Direct-To-Polytechnic through Insitute of Technical Education (DPP) or Secondary 5. That same day, I already applied for Secondary 5 with an indication of considering PFP and DPP. I haven't applied for DPP which my 11 points allows me to have so many Higher Nitec courses to choose from. I should be proud of having to be invited to join DPP since not everyone is invited to this scheme (thanks the Government!).
Why I decided to write this on my blog and why I wanted to announce my raw score here is because I wanted to make myself clear of myself. I wanted to reassure myself that 11 points is considered good for any N Level students and being invited to try out for all three options is a privilege. I may not be returning to secondary school for Secondary 5 since DPP is rather a good option (and higher probability) to reserved a spot in polytechnics. I would just need to study for two years and graduate with an awesome Grade Point Average (GPA) to join a polytechnic. I can also try to apply for PFP next month after the GCE 'O' Level result release and if I am accepted, then I can pat on my shoulder saying, "Well done!".
If I would to go for DPP, I would probably take Higher Nitec in Accounting or Information Technology. I shall not speak for PFP since the eligibility form only comes out next month and I am still unsure about the actual reality process. I will end my post here and to all the students who are taking any national examinations next year, you will have to study hard and put in 110% effort in every subjects. You don't want to graduate with a raw score which you aren't proud of and plus, isn't it good to open all doors? Here's a photo below to conclude my post. :)
P.S. Bear with me on major typo errors in some of my previous posts. Have no idea how or why I would do so, honestly didn't realised until today. For example, my post on Mr. Robot was awful. It was supposed to be a positive review, but somehow my mind was blur that day and I concluded wrongly. My apology for some horrible and disgusting typo errors in my previous posts. If you spotted any mistake, please don't hesitate to inform me.
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