Hello readers,
Yesterday I watched The Revenant, a film that has been a talk since last year and also a comeback for Leonardo DiCaprio who took a hiatus from acting to do something good for society. Besides Leonardo who starred as the frontiersman, Hugo Glass, Tom Hardy played as Fitzgerald, an antagonist of the film.
The Revenant is a chilling film that captures the tone of the harsh winter and the origins of the time period where there were Red Indians and some French people I believed. The film opened to a dialogue that has this enchanting effect and followed by some boring parts which I rather not pay much attention to. Throughout The Revenant, Hugo Glass was left for dead in the suffering cold winter with his badly injured self after a grizzly bear attack. The most saddest and angrier part for the character was Fitzgerald killed his son who was the only family member he had left.
We then followed Hugo Glass' journey to surviving in the dead woods and the snow where there was no narration, just a broken man and his empty water bottle (I guessed) to keep himself alive. His determination to get revenge on Fitzgerald for murdering his son was what kept him going as he tries to reached for his goal. I praised Leonardo DiCaprio for taking on such a role like Hugo Glass. If I were placed in such position, I can't see myself being able to survived in such bitter winter and shoving myself into a dead horse's body for keeping warm or eating whatever you can find. For Tom Hardy as Fitzgerald, his character was rather disturbing because I could barely hear what he was talking, thanks to his 'bummy' accent.
The Revenant is also a film which brings to think about humanity. Whenever there is a person being a burden, we tend to think of dumping him if necessary. Humans are selfish at times, just like Fitzgerald who only cares about himself. There are so much more that this film can offered which I would keep it to myself since they aren't important for this review. In that case, The Revenant has been widely praised by film critics who believed this film is one of the best in 2015. Though the film indeed is good, I wouldn't recommend certain people to watched this if you prefer films with crazy actions or fightings. It is, I shall put as an art film with brilliant cinematography and limited soundtrack.
Now the question is, with Leonardo DiCaprio winning the recent Golden Globe for Best Actor in Drama Movie, will he get the next ticket to the Oscars and win the Best Actor? Is his performance worth the win for The Revenant? I would say that this role may be Leonardo's challenge and a change for him. If he truly wins, then there is nothing surprising about it cause I admit that this performance was remarkably outstanding and does helped defined his career.
Ratings: 7/10