Saturday, 13 February 2016

Movie Review: JFK (1991)

Hello readers,
Usually I don't do review on films that are dated back years ago and mostly watched them for my entertainment. But for this film, JFK, I can't hold back my thoughts about how fascinating it was. As you could tell, JFK focuses on life after President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. Till today, there are many probable theories of the assassination and this film is one of them.

Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison, a district attorney, was one of the people who challenged the possibility of the assassination which he claimed that was elaborated by the powerful people of the country including CIA and FBI. Harvey Lee Oswald, who was played by Gary Oldman, was portrayed in the film as someone whom you could sympathised given the theory that he was probably framed. Was Oswald really working alone or did he have other people helping out to make the assassination happened? I was absolutely amazed by the theory that Garrison pointed out because it is possible and if it is true, do the people want to hear the truth? Even if it is the truth, we may never know what really occurred behind the assassination. After all, the truth had died along with the deceased.

I applauded the editing done on JFK. It looked almost as though I was watching a never before seen footages of JFK assassination, Oswald's private life and other perspectives. The so called footages and the real ones blended in very well and made this film looked like a documentary film. It is no wonder this film won the Best Cinematography and Film Editing in the Oscars.

The acting performances given by the cast were alright and so does the storyline. I would recommend anyone who happened to be finding a film to watched. JFK is simply outstanding and well choreographed. Straightforward, I would put it.

Ratings: 8/10


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