Wednesday 13 April 2016

PFP@RP Orientation Day Camp

Hello readers,
For the past two days, I went for Republic Polytechnic's Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) Orientation Day Camp. I decided to compose a post for this camp because I think it is rare for anyone to actually come out and talk about this. There was a similar post by someone dated back in 2013 but those experiences were different from now.

For Day 1, I remembered waking up at 6am to meet up with my secondary school friend and classmate at 7.10am. We wanted to take either Bus 963 or 966 to Woodlands Interchange, but it was funny how 966 often showed up more times than 963. The programme started 8.30am and you must be wondering why we have to there early? That was because we have to register ourselves at 8.15am. At the registration, the student leader will asked you for your identity card which is your Ezlink concession card or NRIC card. He/she will also then asked for your shirt size which is important because you would collect your PFP shirt the next day. At first, I was puzzled over the size of the shirt because I barely know what shirt size I wear and so I just used my previous CampTeen experience as a gauge since I believed that the shirt was going to be same material and style as that. All these process and waiting took place at Agora Halls 1, if you are wondering.

When I said the programme started at 8.30am, I meant that all the students were to gather themselves in their respective group. Everyone in the programme were split into six groups with each having 25 members and of course, different superheroes' planet or cities name. I was placed in the last group and it was called Themyscira, Wonder Woman's home planet. Other group names include Atlantis, Gotham and Asgards. In the group, we introduced ourselves, followed by talks (National Youth Achievement Award and school matters) and then several games that involved running and tripping if you are not as active like myself. Almost all the games in Day 1 were tiring and challenging because I am seldom active and the last time I had physical education lesson was back in Secondary Four...

I remembered spending the whole morning playing all the games including Dog & Bone and Trees & Squirrels (?). We only had lunch at roughly 12.30pm and I can honestly tell you that if you can't finished your food, then you better don't forced yourself. The portion of my rice (I took vegetarian dietary) was huge and with all due respect, the lunch made my stomach very filling. After the lunch, my group went to the Adventure Learning Centre in the hot, sunny afternoon at 2 something. I didn't take part in walking on the obstacles in the air because I was afraid of heights and didn't want to conquered it, so I just watched some group members did and it wasn't that easy.

I don't remember what I did after the adventure learning centre, except the student leaders asking everyone to do some breakdown along with the song, Turn Down For What.

Now I shall talk about Day 2 which unlike the Day 1 which ended at 6pm, Day 2 ended roughly around 7pm. I went with the same person to Republic Polytechnic and followed by my group again playing games including Captain Balloon and this Sumo-like Ball rolling and knocking opponents out. I really enjoyed that Sumo game because it was the only time where every members in the group were equally weakened by the huge sumo-ball costume and also I liked to knock down my opponents with it. It was fun knocking down my opponents and especially because my team won the first round, I managed to do again for second round!

At 1.10pm, everyone in Agora Halls 1 have lunch until 2pm. My lunch was again fried rice and some spring rolls and curry veggies. This time, the lunch was better than the first one. I forgotten to mention that the lunch provided in this orientation camp also provided fruits too! Day 1 was a red apple and Day 2 was a yellow pear. At 2pm to nearly 3pm, all the groups have group cheer competition and no, my group didn't won.

Things get more interesting from 3pm to 4.45pm. Around 3pm, we managed to know our own respective class and sadly, the people that you make friends with in the group would either be with you in the same class or different class. On the positive note, almost everyone will have lessons in the same block. After this, everyone gotten their PFP shirt and we were told to get ourselves changed into the shirt. We then were split into our respective classes and were briefed on how to understand and read our own timetable.

Speaking of respective classes, we were able to meet the in-charge of various schools in Republic Polytechnic. I am from the School of Infocomm (SOI) and hence, I joined the group of students fro the same school as me. There were less than or equal to ten students when I sat with them. The in-charge of SOI talked about the school, what he does, polytechnic rules and what would we expect before and after PFP. He even said, "I would see you guys next year".

From 4.45pm to 7pm, everyone attended the previous PFP batch's graduation ceremony. It was filled with guess who quizzes and two duet performances. After the ceremony, there was a buffet served but I decided to went home with my two new friends I made in the group because I was tired and I just missed my home.

In conclusion, I enjoyed myself during the two days and I was surprised by the fact that I managed to find new friends there and at least talk to most of the people. The orientation camp was different from most camps I took part in and I would say it was the best thing I ever went. I am having aches on every part of my body, so you can say either I did nothing during the holidays or the activities were vigorous and active.

I have mixed feelings for what is coming next week because of my newly assigned class and I have no idea what to expect. Saddest part of my timetable was first lesson of Monday is physical education from 8.30am to 10am. Nevertheless, going to the orientation camp and even collecting PFP shirt was the best thing that ever happened since CampTeen.


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