The Shining indeed shines with the help of compelling visuals comprised of visions and magnetising gruesomeness, and of course not to forget Nicholson's terrifying, full of surprise and million faces performance which could be applauded and hands down one of his finest performances he gave that makes him the shining star in the film. In fact, I was completely in the state of shocking horror when his character Jack tried to cornered the horrified Wendy, his wife, as he slowly descended into madness and told his intention. That scene got me a creep out of my sensitive skin as I hugged my soft toy, Foxy tightly.
Not to forget that the soundtrack of The Shining was pretty much ASMR to me (google it if you have no idea what this acronym means). It simply terrifies your bones and puts you in the state, the edge of feeling cornered, completely wondering whether is there anyone or someone just out to get you. The soundtrack helped to elevate the sense of horror which was shown throughout the film as the story progresses and slowly died down towards the end when everything was seemingly eerie, empty as it shows our dear Jack somehow somewhere which gives you an idea of what really is happening in the hotel the family was staying; how crazily the madness is as it elevates and ruin a once loving fulfilled family in the harsh winter.
In summary, The Shining is a great experience to enjoy especially when watching alone and honestly a film which will leave a huge impression on me. Nicholson's performance as Jack Torrance, a loving father who slowly descended into the ambition of madness, and inclusion of the skin-creeping chilly soundtrack combined - makes the story seemingly terrifying at its best and worth a watch especially in the night cause the experience seems real and the idea of such compelling madness makes you wonder; will you ever drive yourself to such idealistic ambition, devouring you for the sake of success and encouraging a nasty nature; a darker version of yourself?
Ratings: 6/10
P.S. I am sorry for the lack of update in this blog. While I may not have the time to post new review on this platform, do also check out the Instagram page @devilintheskull for latest update. I have several reviews posted up on the page so feel free to have a look and maybe give a like. :)
You can also feel free to hit me up by clicking Email on the Instagram page if you would like me to check out a film whether old or the latest, and request for a review written. If you do so, please give the film title and I do the rest (researching, watching and writing).
I do not need the whole lot of synopsis and if you do so, I shall outright refuse to watch and review because this spoils the mystery and the pure nature of the film itself; which in fact is supposed to be exciting and worth the watching experience (unless it is a biographical film which of course, cannot outrun the truth).
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